Wimborne Primary School

023 9273 3784




In our school, our Designated Safeguarding Lead is:

Carina Jacobs


Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads are:

Louisa Rowlands

Caroline Kirby Hawkins

Mandy O'Mahony


As a parent, if you have a safeguarding concern regarding another child, please contact the school immediately on 02392733784



Our Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is:

Lydia Bowles

Direct Line - 02392882500

Email - LADO@secure.portsmouthcc.gov.uk


Useful links to visit for information:

Home - Portsmouth Safeguarding Children Board (portsmouthscp.org.uk)

Welcome | Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton (hipsprocedures.org.uk)

If you have a concern regarding a child and feel you are unable to approach the school Safeguarding team directly you can contact

Portsmouth Mash (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) on 02392 688793






 Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.pdfDownload
 Induction safeguarding leaflet.pdfDownload
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